St. Thomas Orchestra

This American Life

The Showtime Cable Network

Neighborhood Music School

The Quodilbet Chamber Ensemble

The Yale Whiffenpoofs (Male A Capella)

Yale Whim n' Rhythm (Female A Capella)

Harvard Krokodiloes, (Male A Cappella)

The Delphi Chamber Orchestra featuring Stefan Jackiw, violin

The Shoreline Chorale

The Vinca String Quartet

The Yale Alley Cats (Male A Capella)

The New Haven Chamber Orchestra

Ingeborg Schimmer Vocal Studios

Haven String Quartet

Composer's Choir For New Music

Katie Hyun(violin)

Anna Denos (Singer Songwriter)

Claudia Doan (Singer Songwriter)

An Historic (Folk, Gospel, Jazz)

Milkplop (experimental pop-mastering)

Bivolita Bessarabi'an (Klezmer Chamber Ensemble)

The New Haven Chorale (Chorale Music)

Tet Offensive (string quartet with vocals)

Happy Ending (Psychedelic Rock)

Yale Medical School Orchestra

Milksop Unsung (Punk Swing Bluegrass)

Young Artists Philharmonic

Aleks Romano (Soprano)

Jangmin Hum (Soprano)

Live Music Project (Full Orchestra and Narration)

Shaken Not Stirred (Female A Capella)

Broadcloth (cello, voice, accordion)

The Secret Ink (chamber pop band)

Pale White Moon (chamber pop band)

Fey Ray (alternative rock)

Pale Horse Company (alternative country)

Sidewalk Dave (punk folk rock)

Ravenna Michaelson (folk)

Ilona Virostek (psychedelic folk)

Kaboom! (heavy rock)

Obnoxium (punk)

Andrew Maillet (piano singer/songwriter)

Chilled Water Supply (jazz quartet,wind ensemble,strings)

Modern Merchant (dream pop)

Entwyned Early Music (lute, viola da gamba, flute)

Dr. Caterwauls Cadre of Clairvoyant Claptraps (Folk, Gospel, Jazz)

Julian Reid (solo jazz piano)

Secret Weapon (Metal)

The Spark featuring Julian Reid and Tina Colon (jazz)

Chloe Edmundson (singer songwriter)

Shades (R n B A cappella)

Kindred Queer (Psychedelic Folk)